"Epistemic Partisanship" meeting


UPDATE: The meeting was cancelled.

June 17th, 2021 from 10:00 am to 14:00 CET you can attend to "Epistemic Partisanship" meeting organized by APPLY.

You migh follow the meeting here <----------------

Partisan attitudes seem to dominate public life. Sometimes, they lead us to give more credibility to certain claims because they come from co-partisans or to seek information from those sources with which we share values, political views, or ways of interpreting the facts. But are these forms of epistemic partisanship justified in any way? Some forms of epistemic partisanship have been considered epistemically beneficial, even virtuous. But many voices cry out to resist the harmful effects of epistemic partisanship when it expands in unfriendly informational environments, such as epistemic bubbles or echo chambers, or where fake news or disinformation are common currency. This seminar seeks to explore different forms of epistemic partisanship in social settings, as well as their effects and consequences in epistemological and political terms.


10:00 – 10:50

David Teira (UNED, Madrid) and A. Fernández-Roldan (UNED-UC3M),

Fact-checking: is it really possible?


Francisco Javier Gil Martín (University of Oviedo),

Partisanship and Partiality


Michel Croce (LOGOS, University of Barcelona)

Epistemic Partisanship and Conflicting Values

13:10-14:00 Jesús Vega (Autonomous University of Madrid)

Virtues and vices of Epistemic Partisanship

Organize: The research network APPLY: New trends in applied philosophy (RED2018-102695-T) and the research grant Intellectual Autonomy in Environments of Epistemic Dependence (FFI2017-87395-P), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities.


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